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 -- survivor des séries (action ver). 

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Lee Ryung
Lee Ryung
messages : 137
rps : 34

Dim 14 Avr 2024 - 15:59
bad n crazy - 15
tale of the nine-tailed - 1
sweet home - 24
vincenzo - 10

-- half my heart
Maybe someday this will all make sense, But for now I don't know why I'm running away. Take a good thing, throw it away, and I end up back at the start With half of my heart. ☾☾
Echo Adler
Echo Adler
messages : 82
rps : 21

Mer 17 Avr 2024 - 23:33
bad n crazy - 15
tale of the nine-tailed - 0
sweet home - 25
vincenzo - 10

and I cross the bridge with no destinations, I pass the lights, ride hold on tight, and I'll go a little further.
Lee Ryung
Lee Ryung
messages : 137
rps : 34

Mar 7 Mai 2024 - 9:05
bad n crazy - 14
sweet home - 26
vincenzo - 10

Mais je choisis lee dohyun.

-- half my heart
Maybe someday this will all make sense, But for now I don't know why I'm running away. Take a good thing, throw it away, and I end up back at the start With half of my heart. ☾☾
Nevi Baek
Nevi Baek
messages : 70
rps : 8

Mar 7 Mai 2024 - 14:45
bad n crazy - 14
sweet home - 27
vincenzo - 9

HAHAHA j'ai eu la même réflexion
Wen Haoyu
Wen Haoyu
messages : 70
rps : 23

Jeu 9 Mai 2024 - 9:34
HAHAHAHA j’aime ca huh

bad n crazy - 14
sweet home - 28
vincenzo - 8

-- all my monsters --
There's no heroes or villains in this place. Just shadows that dance in my headspace, Leaving nothing but phantoms in their wake. ☾☾
Lini Zhu
Lini Zhu
messages : 79
rps : 7

Jeu 9 Mai 2024 - 10:00
bad n crazy - 14
sweet home - 29
vincenzo - 7

can’t hide from you
like i hide from myself
Hael Jones
Hael Jones
messages : 84
rps : 7

Lun 13 Mai 2024 - 21:15
bad n crazy - 14
sweet home - 30
vincenzo - 6
Echo Adler
Echo Adler
messages : 82
rps : 21

Mar 14 Mai 2024 - 22:29
bad n crazy - 14
sweet home - 31
vincenzo - 5

and I cross the bridge with no destinations, I pass the lights, ride hold on tight, and I'll go a little further.
Hael Jones
Hael Jones
messages : 84
rps : 7

Mer 15 Mai 2024 - 22:36
bad n crazy - 13
sweet home - 32
vincenzo - 5
Lini Zhu
Lini Zhu
messages : 79
rps : 7

Jeu 16 Mai 2024 - 18:25
bad n crazy - 13
sweet home - 33
vincenzo - 4

can’t hide from you
like i hide from myself
Lee Ryung
Lee Ryung
messages : 137
rps : 34

Mar 21 Mai 2024 - 9:40
bad n crazy - 13
sweet home - 34
vincenzo - 3
Aika Tsuji
Aika Tsuji
messages : 165
rps : 53

Mar 21 Mai 2024 - 10:04
bad n crazy - 13
sweet home - 35
vincenzo - 2

don't bother asking if i'm okay,
this feeling won't go away by such words,
watering a withered flower won't make it bloom again.
Hael Jones
Hael Jones
messages : 84
rps : 7

Jeu 23 Mai 2024 - 0:06
bad n crazy - 13
sweet home - 36
vincenzo - 1
Eirene Jones
Eirene Jones
messages : 69
rps : 12

Ven 24 Mai 2024 - 12:54
bad n crazy - 13
sweet home - 37
vincenzo - 0

and i wake with your memory over me.
Wen Haoyu
Wen Haoyu
messages : 70
rps : 23

Dim 26 Mai 2024 - 10:40
bad n crazy - 12
sweet home - 38

-- all my monsters --
There's no heroes or villains in this place. Just shadows that dance in my headspace, Leaving nothing but phantoms in their wake. ☾☾
Echo Adler
Echo Adler
messages : 82
rps : 21

Lun 27 Mai 2024 - 0:06
bad n crazy - 11
sweet home - 39

and I cross the bridge with no destinations, I pass the lights, ride hold on tight, and I'll go a little further.
Lee Ryung
Lee Ryung
messages : 137
rps : 34

Lun 27 Mai 2024 - 9:38
bad n crazy - 10
sweet home - 40

-- half my heart
Maybe someday this will all make sense, But for now I don't know why I'm running away. Take a good thing, throw it away, and I end up back at the start With half of my heart. ☾☾
Eirene Jones
Eirene Jones
messages : 69
rps : 12

Lun 27 Mai 2024 - 18:12
bad n crazy - 9
sweet home - 41

and i wake with your memory over me.
Baek Sang-jun
Baek Sang-jun
messages : 48
rps : 9

Mer 5 Juin 2024 - 22:06
bad n crazy - 8
sweet home - 42
Eirene Jones
Eirene Jones
messages : 69
rps : 12

Jeu 13 Juin 2024 - 21:42
bad n crazy - 7
sweet home - 43

and i wake with your memory over me.
Contenu sponsorisé

 -- survivor des séries (action ver). 

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OUT FOR THE NIGHT,, :: hors rp :: burn the bridge