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Smartphone 6.36 ” Xiaomi 14 (12 Go / 256 Go
641 € 719 €
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 aika & ryung. 

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Aika Tsuji
Aika Tsuji
messages : 165
rps : 53

Dim 24 Déc 2023 - 23:56
Aika Tsuji
Aika Tsuji
messages : 165
rps : 53

Dim 24 Déc 2023 - 23:57
merry christmas :) i hope you're having a wonderful time. kisses to your mum. x

don't bother asking if i'm okay,
this feeling won't go away by such words,
watering a withered flower won't make it bloom again.
Lee Ryung
Lee Ryung
messages : 137
rps : 34

Lun 25 Déc 2023 - 0:01
hey :)) merry christmas to you too <3 are you with the rojas?

-- half my heart
Maybe someday this will all make sense, But for now I don't know why I'm running away. Take a good thing, throw it away, and I end up back at the start With half of my heart. ☾☾
Lee Ryung
Lee Ryung
messages : 137
rps : 34

Lun 25 Déc 2023 - 0:01
she kisses you back, lots and lots she says :) xxx

-- half my heart
Maybe someday this will all make sense, But for now I don't know why I'm running away. Take a good thing, throw it away, and I end up back at the start With half of my heart. ☾☾
Aika Tsuji
Aika Tsuji
messages : 165
rps : 53

Lun 25 Déc 2023 - 0:02
yeah!! i'm eating way too much hahahh u know how it is:)

don't bother asking if i'm okay,
this feeling won't go away by such words,
watering a withered flower won't make it bloom again.
Aika Tsuji
Aika Tsuji
messages : 165
rps : 53

Lun 25 Déc 2023 - 0:02
aww:) i miss her. big hugs to u both

don't bother asking if i'm okay,
this feeling won't go away by such words,
watering a withered flower won't make it bloom again.
Lee Ryung
Lee Ryung
messages : 137
rps : 34

Lun 25 Déc 2023 - 0:07
haha that's good :) you need to put on some weight

-- half my heart
Maybe someday this will all make sense, But for now I don't know why I'm running away. Take a good thing, throw it away, and I end up back at the start With half of my heart. ☾☾
Lee Ryung
Lee Ryung
messages : 137
rps : 34

Lun 25 Déc 2023 - 0:07
don't drink too much tho

-- half my heart
Maybe someday this will all make sense, But for now I don't know why I'm running away. Take a good thing, throw it away, and I end up back at the start With half of my heart. ☾☾
Lee Ryung
Lee Ryung
messages : 137
rps : 34

Lun 25 Déc 2023 - 0:07
thanks :) xx

-- half my heart
Maybe someday this will all make sense, But for now I don't know why I'm running away. Take a good thing, throw it away, and I end up back at the start With half of my heart. ☾☾
Aika Tsuji
Aika Tsuji
messages : 165
rps : 53

Lun 25 Déc 2023 - 0:08
yes mom

don't bother asking if i'm okay,
this feeling won't go away by such words,
watering a withered flower won't make it bloom again.
Aika Tsuji
Aika Tsuji
messages : 165
rps : 53

Lun 25 Déc 2023 - 0:08
aika & ryung. 1f495

don't bother asking if i'm okay,
this feeling won't go away by such words,
watering a withered flower won't make it bloom again.
Lee Ryung
Lee Ryung
messages : 137
rps : 34

Lun 25 Déc 2023 - 0:09

-- half my heart
Maybe someday this will all make sense, But for now I don't know why I'm running away. Take a good thing, throw it away, and I end up back at the start With half of my heart. ☾☾
Aika Tsuji
Aika Tsuji
messages : 165
rps : 53

Lun 1 Jan 2024 - 1:20
happy new year!!!!!! miss you x

don't bother asking if i'm okay,
this feeling won't go away by such words,
watering a withered flower won't make it bloom again.
Lee Ryung
Lee Ryung
messages : 137
rps : 34

Lun 1 Jan 2024 - 1:30
happy new year baby (affectionately) :)) have fun, miss u too xxxx

-- half my heart
Maybe someday this will all make sense, But for now I don't know why I'm running away. Take a good thing, throw it away, and I end up back at the start With half of my heart. ☾☾
Lee Ryung
Lee Ryung
messages : 137
rps : 34

Jeu 9 Mai 2024 - 22:39

-- half my heart
Maybe someday this will all make sense, But for now I don't know why I'm running away. Take a good thing, throw it away, and I end up back at the start With half of my heart. ☾☾
Lee Ryung
Lee Ryung
messages : 137
rps : 34

Jeu 9 Mai 2024 - 22:39
would you do this? for real? :))

-- half my heart
Maybe someday this will all make sense, But for now I don't know why I'm running away. Take a good thing, throw it away, and I end up back at the start With half of my heart. ☾☾
Aika Tsuji
Aika Tsuji
messages : 165
rps : 53

Ven 10 Mai 2024 - 11:53
hey :))

don't bother asking if i'm okay,
this feeling won't go away by such words,
watering a withered flower won't make it bloom again.
Aika Tsuji
Aika Tsuji
messages : 165
rps : 53

Ven 10 Mai 2024 - 11:54
yeah ofc!! should take me one or two weeks

don't bother asking if i'm okay,
this feeling won't go away by such words,
watering a withered flower won't make it bloom again.
Aika Tsuji
Aika Tsuji
messages : 165
rps : 53

Ven 10 Mai 2024 - 11:54
do you have a color in mind?

don't bother asking if i'm okay,
this feeling won't go away by such words,
watering a withered flower won't make it bloom again.
Lee Ryung
Lee Ryung
messages : 137
rps : 34

Lun 13 Mai 2024 - 21:59
no worries, you still got some time :)

-- half my heart
Maybe someday this will all make sense, But for now I don't know why I'm running away. Take a good thing, throw it away, and I end up back at the start With half of my heart. ☾☾
Contenu sponsorisé

 aika & ryung. 

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OUT FOR THE NIGHT,, :: beginnings :: chill kill :: textos